Ultimate Online Stalker Tool...I mean Friend Tracker

There's only one thing I give facebook credit for and that's their News Feed feature. I love it not only because I'm nosy (I'm the snooping type! I can't help it!) but because keeping up with my network keeps me up to date socially and reveals opportunities in the making.
Instead of waiting on the rumored second buyout of Myspace by Yahoo or Google, Spokeo came out with the ultimate friend tracker. You can import your contacts from your email, Myspace, Facebook, and more and Spokeo well list what's been updated recently on their profiles. Since it is a 3rd party website it doesn't have all the features News Feed does. It only picks up public information you can get from viewing a person's profile and it does not have access to see who writes comments to who.
Pictured above, you can see some of the contacts I imported on the left. In the middle are some facebook posts someone made and then to the right of that is a snapshot of the person's profile.